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Digitisation: The Truth About The Changing World Around Us.

We are a generation to witness a transforming world. The world today is dominated by technology. The beaming satellite channels and the rise of telephony mark the dawn of this new era. We have seen the world transition before us. The technology has made it possible. Old is gold no more. Our outlook and habits have become modified. Mine have been just as much as yours.


Going digital is the buzz phrase whether we intend to buy or sell services or goods. We Google for books to read, recipes to cook, movies to watch, and to learn about diseases and their treatments. Not to leave even the methods to manage ourselves or the leaky cistern in our washroom. It is all with zeal that we search the catalog for all we need.


I was scanning the internet for anything: art, dresses, makeup, recipes, DIY, designing, music, self-help, audiobooks, spirituality, or anything I could find interesting and creative. Was I honing my skills, upgrading myself, or simply entertaining?


 The nameless dot coms were too good for a scan. Kurtas to lehengas, tops, and jeans, to all that I need or may need, not only in my wardrobe but even in my household or my interests till my eyes declined to look beyond anymore. The glare of the blue screen made it impossible for me to keep my eyes open. My brain ceased to function and refused to judge what enamored me.


That is a terrific way to be with yourself when you are not inclined to go through the ordeal of purchasing, with no requirement, no intent but to indulge yourself. How successful I have been in keeping myself engaged without any work even though I am drowning in the sea of the internet. That is virtual reality in reality.


As a young girl, I remember getting up early to finish breakfast to sit before the television on Sundays to watch my favorite Star Trek undisturbed. It was fascinating to be onboard the starship USS Enterprise with Captain Kirk, Spock, and the crew to 'explore new worlds and civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before'.


I now have to reach out to my phone to explore the new world and the new civilizations. It is all on that handheld device, as virtual as real. 



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