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The dynamics of change indeed is difficult to apprehend one has to consider the attitudes of the people who will be accepting it and how persistent the change would be and how the people leading the change will behave. As I sat down to document this a few things happened in the real world. Thomas Cook went down the annals of history as bankrupt. Media was abuzz with lessons to be learnt from its failures and its non-conformity to be relevant to present day requirements to serve its clients. True, it is well said by Darwin “it is not the strongest of the species that survives, or the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change”.

An extension of this change was imposed upon us by the spread of novel Corona virus 19 taking a toll of thousands and infecting lakhs all over the world. The deadly pandemic virus is throttling many economies, pushing many into unimaginable situations and even having atrocities thrust upon them.

This change in our lifestyles, our mindsets, our jobs, earning and saving patterns, nothing seems to be able to relate to its past glory.  We have become more decentralized ever since the lockdown came in to existence. This is the dawn of a new era. This current situation reminds me of Sniff and Scurry. I was thinking about this book by Spencer Johnson “Who moved my cheese” its core about anticipating and preparing for change, overcoming fears, envisioning success and enjoying changes.

Sniff and Scurry were smart individuals who irrespective of their current situation were on a lookout for more conducive environment where they could flourish. I too started to look up and investing in myself reading, consulting and analyzing even more than before.  I would rather not be like Hem and Haw and die in obscurity. I decided to learn new skills and there could be no better way than to express myself digitally.

This digital age provides a lot of opportunities to most of us as long as we decide to meet it head on. My contribution to this formidable era has been quite insignificant till a thought prompted me to take on creative writing. So writing a blog seemed the simplest. It definitely was as long as I never got down writing it. There was a rapid fire of ideas for the topic on which I could choose to write on but, seriously speaking nothing concrete came on this page. A trash of can was the real beneficiary swelling day after day with sheets of torn paper.

Nevertheless, determined as I was of dishing out a wonderful piece, my venture undiminished by my grit, enthusiasm and passion to be a solopreneur, I walked the lonely road ahead.

Professionally I am a dentist (yes! I continue to be one today too), my seniors said Dentistry is “Art and Science”. Well, now I think that everything is art and science including writing. If one does not like my writing, art one does not see it and the alchemy of words that I use make it a lesser known science. Wow! That makes my indulgences in a sister profession to a certain extent quite daring. Am I looking for a new niche other than dentistry and hiding behind this façade of creative writing. I am not sure whether I would like it to be my profession or hobby or just a fleeting reference. Suddenly my cellphone rings and my nursing staff inform me of a waiting patient. I close the page,the computer and gather myself to be in my clinic.

But one thing is sure I am slowly but steadily moving to a new beginning.


  1. Very well written. keep it up....the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be so unleash the potential that is in you....All the best:)

  2. Surely, evolution of a new person, from within. Keep going

  3. Rightly said change is inevitable.
    Ibwould say the best way to survie the change is to adopt the change
    You have the one more skill other than dentistry and this change is help you blossom your skill


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