It was a wonderful experience raising and educating my children though I had nothing planned out but the way it shaped out was wonderful. I am a dentist by profession but I think I was a better teacher. It so happened that I used to color maps of India and show to my son ten times a day for many days never realizing the impact. One day while watching weather forecast on DD news he started shouting" mummy India ka map India ka map". I was very impressed and then began our hours of togetherness. Two of us would talk and notice all that went around us . We played all day and I would often run upstairs after my clinic to my overjoyed children. Reading stories came very early in our house initially we saw pictures then it progressed to reading words and then sentences.Bed time was story time from Panchatantra to Ramayana to Indian mythology to stories and incidents all over the world. They knew about Pompeii ruins and casts and Paul Revere's Ride and Troja...
Newerways: Life after Dentistry.